Kiril Meski, sculpture 15-28.11.2023

Kiril Meskin



Kiril Meskin takes us through his experiences, organized into cycles: “Creation”, “Destructure”, “Memory” and “Path of Light”. These are his variations in stone – „his“ stone discovered for his earliest projects. It is a piece of nature in which Kiril embeds his sculpture, following it. A stone slitted by veins, which can be polished to achieve full vividness of the material. From its primal untouched expressiveness to exquisite color in a warm range – an approach used by Kiril in all his work.

The natural features of the stone are transformed into a spatial organization of the form after the skillful selection of the author. This is how we get to his patent – ​​shapes that seem to be wrapped by the energetic lines of the cuts reminiscent of natural stone structures. Sometimes Kiril seeks to express states of cosmic energy – the cycle “Path of Light”. I remember his work in the same direction done for Hugo Wooten’s park in Belgium.

The female heads of the “Memory” cycle, in which Kiril idealizes in elegance in his particular taste, sometimes “erupt” like the sculpture of the ancient periods. The new moment in the exhibition – active aggressive coloring of the stone with pure colors brings a sharpness that surprises us and opens experiences unknown to his sculpture until now. Longing, striving for cheerfulness perhaps, enriching one’s own expressiveness.

Prof. Emil Popov, November 2023