Iassen Ghiuselev, 29.10.-15.11.2024


Iassen Ghiuselev



However long one looks at Yasen Gyuzelev’s paintings, fallen into their peripeteias and details, it is never enough. You feel as if you are attracted by something escaping and elusive. Although the painter is a typical illustrator, devoted to his knowledge: his art, valued worldwide, is born and lives between the pages of the book. Except for the short while when he decides for a plethora of different reasons (in this case a decennial anniversary) to bring it to the gallery, which then becomes “The Library of Babel.“ According to the eponymous story of Borges, the library is a model of the universe- we inhabit, we are heroes of an endless text that we never stop reading, although it cannot be fully read. This exceptional mystical depth of Gyzelev’s art originated exactly here: whichever book he illustrates- “Journey to the Centre of the Earth”, “Big Hopes”, “The Queen of Spades”, “The Hound of the Baskervilles”… the far horizon of the meaning amounts to the emergence of man from words to man’s “existence in language”, the only place where it is possible for a person to acquire his or her human identity, to take place….

Georgy Lozanov, 2024