Atanas  Sharenkov, paintings 15-25 October 2018

Atanas  Sharenkov/1943 – 1992/

exhibition, paintings

15-25 October 2018

Born on the 21-st of November 1943 in Asenovgrad, Bulgaria
1961- He finishes high school in Haskovo.
1963-1969- Atanas Sharenkov  graduates the Akademy of the Fine Arts in St. Petersbourg, Russia-the Fine arts department.
1965-1969- At the Hermitage in St. Petersbourg  he studies conservation and restauration of Fine Arts and Mural  painting, works under the guidance and the instructions of C. F .Konenkov. He is the first Bulgarian artist given a diploma in the Restauration of Fine Arts in Russia.
1969-1973-  Sharenkov works as a restauration artist at the Central Historical and Archeological museum to the Bulgarian Patriarchie. He restores an important number of icons and paintings in Bulgaria, i.e. in many churches, monasteries and museums.He visits four times the Mount of Aton where he restores icons  from the Zograph monstery.
1973 –  He is an assistant professor at the Fine Arts Academie in Sofia. Lectures on technology and techniques of Fine arts paintings and Mural arts.
1976 –  He is member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists-Fine arts section. In his lifetime he has participated  in more than 70 exhibitions  in Bulgaria and abroad.
1983 –  Defends a Doktor’s P.H. Degree candidate of Sience of Art. His work is on “Technology and Techniques of the Bulgarien Renaissance  icons of the 20-th century“.
1986 – His first own exhibition  in Haskovo.
1980-1991-He lectures and conduct practical exercises on the tehnology  and techniques on ancient  Bulgarian icons at the Cultural Centre of the town of Geras-Austria.
1991 –  Atanas  Sharenkov  was awarded a Doctor’s P.H.Degree.
1992 – He organises his own exhibition of paintings  at Bayerische Bank Head office in Munich, Germany.
1974-1992 – He takes part in a number of scientific conferences on the problems of conservation of Bulgarian art works.Paralel to his scientific interests he creates lots of beautiful paintings and many Bulgarian and foreign galleries possess works of his. Sharenkov works on archaique  translations  tractats of fine arts and becomes author of the great book “The ancient  Tractacts on Technology  and Techniques on Fine arts“-it represents  two volumes and four books. That amaizing  work covers the period of 19 a.d.century.
1992- On the 26-th of July he passed away.