Milko Bozhkov, RETROREPRO I, 23.01-09.02.2024

Arte Gallery presents the exhibition of

Milko Bozhkov


(from 23.01 to 09.02.2024)

Just as Milko Bozhkov’s entire art work is unusual, surprising and exciting, so the present exhibition is non-standard and sensual. Non-standard, because we first presented “Retrorepro II” at the end of 2023 (on the occasion of the presentation of the author’s catalog). Now we are showing the author’s latest paintings based on old sketches, but again with a different sound. In “Retrorepro I”, Milko’s favorite subjects – clouds, snowflakes, vespers, plow, church… now live on wooden panels that open like books – “…His lively and restless thought gives rise to a pronounced affinity for unconventional solutions . He always manages to surprise and, with a discreet provocation, invite the viewer to embark on unraveling a semantic-visual labyrinth”. (Elitza Terzieva, Milko Bozhkov’s album 2023)

“Solid and cohesive, yet extremely dynamic, he endlessly seeks new challenges without falling into the trap of eclecticism and dispersion. His creative world is characterized by a rich and complex plastic synthesis and an intense semantic structure. Classical and unconventional forms coexist synchronously. A synthesis devoid of insincere intentionality, bearing the lightness and subtlety with which the original idea was born”. (Elitza Terzieva, Milko Bozhkov’s album 2023)

The exhibition is sensitive as every painting that went out from the soul of an “…artist who possesses an exquisite sense of the artwork in its perfect entirety. Everything (whether real or imaginary) is in its place. The singular staging of the pictural field, as if reproducing an observation through the lens of a camera with multiple simultaneous viewpoints, draws the viewer into a vortex of images and symbols, the fruit of the union between the conscious and the subconscious”. (Elitza Terzieva, Milko Bozhkov’s album 2023)